News & Events

Five Easy Universal Design Principles for New Homes

Building your own home is a life-long dream for many, so why not ensure that you can spend the rest of your life in the home you’ve created? Incorporating universal design principles in custom construction allows you to age in place and appreciate the fruits of your efforts. There’s no need to compromise aesthetics-some of the top universal design principles are actually quite easy to include when you plan for them right from the start.

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Venture Out to the Lowcountry

New Residents in the Lowcountry: Angus “A B” Llewellyn

New Residents in the Lowcountry: South Carolina Coastal Communities “It’s important to find the things that you…

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Universal Kitchen Design Allows for Aging in Place

Universal Kitchen Design Allows for Aging in Place Today’s new technology and universal design practices enable boomers…

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Spinning Green into Gold: Eco-nomical Living – Building Smart; Saving the Enviornment and Your Money Too

Green is everywhere. Green economy, green jobs, green revolution, even a green TV channel. In fact, more and more people are going green every day. Even though green building may sound expensive, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some easy ways to build an eco-friendly home that can help save the planet and save you money, too.

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Universal Design: Home Design for All Ages and Abilities

Your home should be all about you. Universal design creates livable, workable environments for everyone regardless of age, size or ability. Universal design is human-centered design that makes life easier, not only for those with mobility limitations, but also for those who are short, tall, young and old. Universal design is for everyone.

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