Ideal Destinations New Hampshire 2016

35 reasons to visit New Hampshire

Home of the Free: 35 reasons to visit New Hampshire By Jamie Penn True to their state motto, “Live Free or Die,” New Hampshirites aren’t known to put on airs. And the beauty of it is that they don’t have to. The charm of New Hampshire is that it’s everything most people could want in…

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When the Ice Is Nice at Eastman

When the Ice Is Nice at Eastman By Craig McArt / Photo by Ebba McArt Occasionally, though, the surface can be clear and smooth. That’s when I’ll rig up my iceboat for some cold, fast sailing. How cold? Damned cold. How fast? Well, this iceboat can travel at up to four times the speed of…

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South Cove Activity Center Stormwater Management Plan

South Cove Activity Center Stormwater Management Plan at Eastman By John Larrabee / Photo by Maynard Wheeler When the South Cove Activity Center was completed in 2009, there were no gutters installed on the roof and there was a minimal landscaping plan. A stormwater management plan was submitted to and approved by the New Hampshire…

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There’s No Business Like Snow Business

There’s No Business Like Snow Business By John Larrabee / Photos by Richard Sachs and Billy Mitchell “Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.” –Vesta M. Kelly Gardens have long ago been put to bed, fragile foundation plantings protected against snow sliding from…

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Shooting the Moon…and the Sun and Stars

Shooting the Moon…and the Sun and Stars Text and Photos by Steve Handley On September 27, 2015, there was a lunar eclipse that was viewed by probably millions of people fortunate to be under clear skies—and photographed by many. Several members of the Eastman Photography Interest Club, formed in 2014 under the leadership of Fred…

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Living Archaeology on Heron Island

Living Archaeology on Heron Island at Eastman By Courtney Cummings The morning of October 10, 2015, was brisk, the leaves were brilliant yellows, oranges, and reds, and the wind on the lake was creating waves a foot high. Despite the weather, I was at the lakeshore with fellow anthropology students from Franklin Pierce University and…

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Let it Snow at Eastman!

Let it Snow at Eastman! Let It Snow! Critters Create Subways in Snowpack Text and Photos by Laura Nagy Those of us who enjoy skiing or snowshoeing are not the only ones to benefit from a hefty snowfall. For some forest critters, a substantial snowpack is crucial to their survival. The white blanket so peacefully…

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Letting the Sun Shine In At Eastman: Solar Energy at Eastman

Trilogy Orlando - Florida Retirement Communities

Letting The Sun Shine In Solar Energy from Eastman’s Pilot Project Text by Susan Kessler Graphics by Carol Ann Moses Let the sun shine in—and generate power. Sustainable Eastman’s Energy Subcommittee is achieving that goal as you read this. Solar panels on the pavilion roof next to Peppermint Patty’s now generate some of the power…

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Eastman’s Crafty Ladies

  Eastman’s Crafty Ladies By Ethel Paquin Photos by Fred Orkin Women gathering together to do handwork is an old and well-loved tradition. Knitting in particular is an ancient art. A pair of baby booties housed in an English Museum dates back 2000 years—with perfectly turned heels. The ladies of the Eastman Craft Group gather…

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One Daring Man

Daniel's Orchard | South Carolina Coastal Community | Best Places to Retire in SC

One Daring Man: Frank Furdyna By Judy McCarthy Photo Courtesy of Milt Weinstein “The tops of mountains are among the unfinished parts of the globe, whither it is a slight insult to the gods to climb and pry into their secrets, and try their effect on our humanity. Only daring men, perchance, go there.” Henry…

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