A Natural Fit at Compass Pointe
Why Audubon International?
Only 164 properties and golf courses worldwide are registered in the Audubon International Signature Program, focused on applying sound environmental conservation and sustainable development practices while planning, designing, building, and managing a development. Everyone knows that the AI Signature program works to integrate environmental protection and improvement, but members know that the programs are also about saving money, reducing risk and liability, improving performance, enhancing your image and reputation, and attracting golfers and residents.
Compass Pointe is registered as a member in the Audubon Gold Signature Program, the highest level of Signature Certification, and is one of only 47 projects worldwide. The Gold Signature program offers comprehensive planning and educational services to help new developments protect natural resources, both on and off-site, by working closely with planners, architects, managers, and key stakeholders. The goal of Audubon Signature Programs is to foster a stewardship ethic that leads landowners and managers, consultants, and the community to internalize environmental, rather than just economic, costs and benefits in their decision making and to apply these environmental values routinely in land management. Ultimately, Audubon International and Audubon Environmental support the concept of sustainable development, and know of no other way to promote and implement it than to work with people who are planning to develop land. Therefore, we try to educate, guide, assist, and offer incentives to people who are going to develop land to do so with environmental stewardship in mind.
As a member of the program, Compass Pointe is working with Audubon Environmental to develop a Sustainable Development Master Plan, including a Natural Resource Management Plan to address environmental components that include site assessment, wildlife habitat enhancement and management, waste management, energy efficiency, water quality and conservation, and integrated pest management. In addition, the Audubon International Gold Signature Program ensures that biodiversity, conservation, environmental quality, and sustainable management are built into the project and continue after construction is completed. This ensures that managers apply sustainable resource management practices in the long-term stewardship of the property.
The Gold Signature program involves:
• Initial site assessment and Ecological Design
• Natural Resource Management Plan (NRMP)- construction and operations manual
• Implementation of the NRMP
• Site visits throughout major phases of the project
• Training and education for construction and operational personnel
• On-site Environmental Audit to assess compliance with program and site-specific requirements
• Certification as an Audubon Signature Sanctuary
• Long-term management in accordance with Audubon Signature standards
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